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5-5-08 Veterans Affairs Regular Meeting Minutes

1.      Call to Order –Bernie called the regular meeting of the Veteran’s Affairs Commission to order at 7:19 pm on May 5, 2008 in Town Council Chambers.  
        A. Pledge of Allegiance

        B.      Roll Call - PRESENT: Stanley deMello, Dominic Fulco, Sr., Kirk Allison, Arden Passaro, Ch. Bernie Corona, William Miller, Paul Barry.

EXCUSED: Mary-Ann Roczynski     ABSENT: J. Roger Pelletier

2.      Approval of Minutes from April 7, 2008 – Stan deMello made a motion to approve the minutes and Dominic Fulco 2nd motion.  Commission unanimously voted to approve April 7th minutes as read.

3.      Old Business

        A.      The Commission discussed coverage of the office hours at Town Hall for the month of May.  Bernie set coverage for May as follows:
                                May 12th – Dominic Fulco – in the 2nd Fl Conf. Room from 10am-12noon
                                May 12th – Bill Miller – in the 2nd Fl Conf. Room from 12noon -2pm

                Regarding office hours held in Town Hall, the Commission also discussed:
                -       Need sign outside area letting people know they are there – Kirk Allison to speak to printer about getting this done.
                -       Bernie will get ads in local papers, i.e. the Gazette, The Golden Ager, informing the public of their hours.
                -       Commission agreed that they would like to return to the Atrium for office hours.

        B.      Paul Barry updated the Commission on the Traveling Wall.  They are planning on working with local area restaurants/corporate sponsors to possibly give vouchers to The Marine Corp marching band and
                drill team while they are in town.  The committee is also still working on adding an educational component.  Paul said the project is moving along well.  He will provide additional information as it becomes

        C.      Stan deMello gave a synopsis of the “Leave No Veterans Behind: Ending Homelessness Among Veterans in Connecticut” program that was held in Hartford on April 19, 2008.  He said that the program
                was well attended, and underscored the need for services for veterans returning home.  They talked about how homelessness among veterans is increasing and the need for more housing resources.

4.      New Business

        A.      General Commission discussions on:
                -       Report presented by Dominic Fulco on the number of incarcerated veterans in the state – possibility for Commission to help East Hartford residents on the list – need to find out how many.
                -       Symposium for Veterans to be held at Manchester Community College on May 22, 2008.

5.      Adjournment – Paul Barry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kirk Allison.  Bernie Corona adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m.

        Minutes respectfully submitted by: Tatia Lewis, Clerk